In this work, I explore the connections between experiences. Nothing Hap-
pened is the documentation for the experiential game LARP (Live Action
pened is the documentation for the experiential game LARP (Live Action
Role Play) *. During this game, I constructed a scenario in which 7 people
tried to answer the question - Who am I? - being certain characters. From
the perspective of the characters, by asking a question (to the character),
they raised the question to themselves personally.
Unknowingly, they played the same person’s life at the same time, being at
that different stage of that person.
tried to answer the question - Who am I? - being certain characters. From
the perspective of the characters, by asking a question (to the character),
they raised the question to themselves personally.
Unknowingly, they played the same person’s life at the same time, being at
that different stage of that person.
With this documentation, I construct a portrait of a personality from differ-
ent experiences, elements that were used or created during the game.
ent experiences, elements that were used or created during the game.
With this piece of my work, I invite the viewer to contribute to the creation
of the portrait and offer him to write his reflection on what he sees and
everything is here and now and it is constantly changing.
* LARP, LARPG (from live action role-playing game) is a role-playing game
in which participants perform all or most of their character’s actions (rather
than reciting them verbally). LARP varies from country to country.
of the portrait and offer him to write his reflection on what he sees and
everything is here and now and it is constantly changing.
* LARP, LARPG (from live action role-playing game) is a role-playing game
in which participants perform all or most of their character’s actions (rather
than reciting them verbally). LARP varies from country to country.

Portrait of different media used in LARP. These all things creating the portrait of person they played.