"The Wheel of fortune" is a multidisciplinary dialogue between 4 artists who examine success, happiness, coincidences, number sequences, gambling and gambling.Artists from different fields have been engaged in artistic research and practice for half a year, embarking on a journey, the starting point of which has become a legend on YouTube. Video creator das_LTu has been filming instant lottery tickets for four years. He made over three hundred videos and so tried to answer the question: Can we win this? (instant lotteries) 
 Became curious: Has this man already got rich? Why do people play? What rituals do they perform? Why do we succeed in the modern world? What is that happiness?The practices of the artists merge into an experiential epic - the Circle of Happiness. Each artist follows a separate part of the epic.
 Fragments of travel between individual themes become the works of the exhibition. As long as the viewer is invited to become a co-creator, the rest left to answer the question: what is his happiness about?There are four different ways to search for answers. Each epic narrator-artist has experienced their own adventure, which is retold, reflected in the exhibition. Physical and atmospheric objects can be searched.

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